Apple iPhone 6s & 6s Plus Not Detect In usb.
iPhone 6s & 6s Plus Not Detect in Usb or iTunes or If you are getting trouble to charge your phone or it is not charging fast (Charge very slow). Sometime phone is showing charging but battery percentage is not going up. we can provide very good solution for this problem.6s & 6s Plus Not Charging
How to fix it?
Please check (U2300) “IC” if its faulty replace with new one. This chip can be done by reflow station or if you have your own equipment to do this repairs.
Need Help:
Mobile expert has a certified technician. They work on related to these kinds of jobs every day. if you have any question related to this repair please contact us.
iPhone 6s & 6s Plus Not Detect Usb
iPhone 6s & 6s Plus Not Detect Usb
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